Tri Forged Studios

3D Printing - Casting - Mold Making - Production


“Nerds” Candy Figurines

We had a blast working with PTNR Production to create custom Nerds Candy figurines for their tour.

Each figurine was 3D printed and fitted with custom eye glass pupils to give them personality. We used layers of pink paint to add depth and vibrancy, while a crackling medium helped create a cracked candy effect for extra texture.

To make them functional, we added metal-threaded inserts to their feet so they could be securely mounted onto a themed foosball table. Once finished, these little Nerds hit the road, traveling across Canada to events like Toronto Fan Expo 2024.

After spending so much time perfecting their candy-like details, we have to admit—we were seriously craving a box of Nerds!


Airbrush & Finishing: Alysun Pinsonneault